关丹中华中学环境清幽,校园占地 21 英亩。
Classroom with Air-Conditioner: Every classroom is equipped with air-conditioner, computer, and projector.
Science Laboratory: Fully equipped and suitably designed laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology experiment.
大食堂:食堂的食物备有售卖素食和荤食, 而校内消费以电子钱包(学生卡)支付,推行即方便又安全的无现金交易
Canteen: Provide nutritious food for students, teachers, and staff the whole day and all transaction are make via e-wallet system.
Library: The place where the students have access to a variety of resources and books.
Lecture Hall: An auditorium of approximately 100 individuals’ capacity for student and teacher to conduct various kind of seminar talk and activity.
Ooi Choo Boo’s Multi-purpose Hall: A place for students and teachers to conduct morning assembly and training for indoor sport activities such as volleyball and basketball.